Thursday, February 28, 2008

Playoff Chase? Winning Streak?

These are words that have been scarce from Leafs Nation vocabulary all season long, but since the beginning of February, the Leafs have turned the team around and sit just six points back of a playoff spot.

The Leafs started February off going 3 for 4, the three wins being over top three teams in the NHL Detroit, Ottawa, and Montreal, respectively. Their won loss was the 8-0 debacle against the lousy Florida Panthers, one I will probably never forget.

The Leafs followed up these four games with back-to-back nights with losses against Buffalo and the New York Islanders. Since that loss to the Islanders, the Leafs have gone 5 for 6, and their past three games have been three straight wins.

In the month of February, the Leafs are 9-3, and having won 9 out of their last 12, they put themselves just six points back of 8th place Buffalo, and seven points back of 7th place Rangers and 6th place Boston.

I guess I fall under Mr. Bone's typical Leaf fan category when I say this, but correct me if I'm wrong... do you not consider the Flyers, Islanders, and Capitals as legitimate playoff contenders? Yes the Capitals can claim that low 1st place in the Atlantic division, but everybody has been referring to them as being very much in the playoff race, meanwhile they all sit less than four points ahead of the Leafs.

I'd love to see the Leafs make the playoffs, because it now seems too late to drop back to go for the lottery pick, but I just hope they make it to the playoffs this time, rather than finishing in the familiar 9th or 10th place.

Pointless Fact of the Day: The four Saturday games of February were all at home, and in these four games the Leafs won all of them, including wins over Ottawa, Detroit, Boston, and Atlanta. In these games the Leafs outscored their opponents 14-8, with the help of Vesa Toskala.
UPDATE: Another pointless fact, but TSN just said that on February 29th leap year games the Leafs are 8-1 all time, sorry Tampa, tough luck.

Upcoming Games: The Leafs play in Friday-Saturday back to back road games against Tampa Bay and Washington, two teams the Leafs need to beat to stay in the hunt for the playoffs. The Leafs will be looking to extend their winning streak to 4 games, and possibly 5, as well as making their February record a fabulous 10-3. Also, don't expect Raycroft to see any time between the pipes this weekend, as Toskala has been playing far too well and is carrying this team, so I don't see Maurice playing the ever so incompetent Andy Raysoft. A tired Vesku is better than a fresh Raysoft any day.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Still Cheering for Kilger and Belak Tonight!

Short post today. I want everyone that reads this to go check out this article. Howard Berger hit the nail right on the head. It's the best article I've read in awhile.

Anyway, the 'new look' Leafs are in action tonight against the Florida Panthers. Freshly traded Chad Kilger is expected to make his Panthers debut - taking Richard Zednik's spot on a scoring line (???) - while Wade Belak is not. For the Leafs, Kris Newbury and Jeremy Williams have been called up from the AHL, and expect Robbie Earl to be a mainstay in the lineup the rest of the way.

So yeah, go Panthers go!

The Leafs currently sit 26th overall, and I don't want that number to get any lower. The recently nicknamed 'no-trade 5' (Sundin, Kaberle, McCabe, Tucker, Kubina) refused to help the team by fucking off to another organization. Maybe they'll help the team in another way; by continuing to lead a sack of shit team right into the cellar.

This team has shown a lot of heart in recent years...after they've all but mathematically been eliminated from the playoffs. This must be what Sundin referred to when he talked about 'winning in Toronto'.

I just hope this team doesn't get any stupid ideas about making a playoff run. I'm sure they will, though, because the opposite might actually improve the team...something that they're obviously not interested in doing.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Draft Day Recap

Well, it appears that all of the deadline deals are in. The Leafs used the opportunity to better themselves about as well as Britney Spears in rehab.

All said, the Leafs traded Chad Kilger, Wade Belak, and Hal Gill in exchange for four draft choices, the best of which is a 2008 2nd rounder from Pittsburgh. It should be somewhere between 45th and 50th overall.

It appears as if Pavel Kubina gave Fletch his word he'd accept a trade...then reneged after last night's game in Ottawa. Yep, Kubina Indian-gave his word. Fletch seemed pretty pissed about it when interviewed by TSN at about 4pm.

Knowing this Leafs team, they'll kick some ass the rest of the way. They'll climb up to 9th or 10th in the standings - just enough not to make the playoffs or get a decent pick.

Jesus fucking fuck.

Trade Deadline 2008

Well fuck, it looks like the Trade Deadline frenzy will be a bust for Leafs fans. Any player that would fetch a decent return has all but guaranteed he won't go anywhere. Because the Leafs don't look like they'll do too much, I've decided to post every deal (league-wide) that comes through. Check back often.

Tuesday February 26

To Atlanta:

Joe Motzko

To Washington:
Alex Giroux


To Minnesota:
W Chris Simon

To New York Islanders:
7th round draft pick


To New York Rangers:

G David LeNeveu
F Fredrik Sjostrom
F Josh Gratton
Conditional draft pick

To Phoenix:
G Al Montoya
W Marcel Hossa


To Anaheim:
G JS Aubin

To Los Angeles:
7th round draft pick


To Florida:
W Chad Kilger

To Toronto:
2008 3rd round draft pick


To Detroit:
D Brad Stuart

To Los Angeles
2nd round draft pick
4th round draft pick


To Anaheim:
D Marc-Andre Bergeron

To New York Islanders:
3rd round draft pick


To New York Rangers:
D Christian Backman

To St. Louis:
4th round draft pick


To Pittsburgh:
W Marian Hossa
W Pascal Dupuis

To Atlanta:
C Erik Christensen
W Colby Armstrong
C Angelo Esposito
1st round draft pick


To Pittsburgh:
D Hal Gill

To Toronto:
2008 2nd round draft pick
2009 5th round draft pick


To Vancouver:
W Matt Pettinger

To Washington:
W Matt Cooke


To New York Islanders:
D Rob Davison

To San Jose:
7th round draft pick


To Washington
C Sergei Fedorov

To Columbus:
D Ted Ruth


To Colorado:
D Adam Foote

To Columbus:
1st round draft pick


To Ottawa:
W Martin Lapointe

To Chicago:
6th round draft pick


To Colorado:
D Ruslan Salei

To Florida:
D Karlis Skrastins
3rd round draft pick


To Carolina:
W Tuomo Ruutu

To Chicago:
W Andrew Ladd


To Washington:
G Cristobal Huet

To Montreal:
2008 2nd round draft pick


To Dallas:
C Brad Richards
G John Holmqvist

To Tampa Bay:
G Mike Smith
C Jeff Halpern
W Jussi Jokinen


To San Jose
D Brian Campbell

To Buffalo:
W Steve Bernier
2008 1st round draft pick


To Florida:
F/D Wade Belak

To Toronto
2008 5th round draft pick


LEAFS UPDATE - The previously reported rumour regarding Kyle Wellwood's trade request was false.
Nicely done, The Score. Bullshit stories are a great way to ensure nobody watches your station.
That, or air nothing but wrestling. What's with that, anyway?


To New Jersey:
D Bryce Salvador

To St. Louis:
RW Cam Janssen


LEAFS UPDATE - Another rumour: Pavel Kubina may waive his NTC according to TSN and Sportsnet.


LEAFS UPDATE - Kyle Wellwood is rumoured to have requested a trade.
The Score broke the story, but Cliff Fletcher is denying the report.


New York Islanders resign C Mike Comrie to a 1-year, $4M contract extension.

Monday February 25

To Philadelphia:
LW Vaclav Prospal

To Tampa Bay
D Alexandre Picard
2009 2nd round draft pick (if Philadelphia reaches Eastern Conference Finals)
2009 3rd round draft pick ((from Calgary) if they do not)


Tampa Bay resigns D Dan Boyle to a 6-year, $40M contract extension.
Thats $6.66M per year for 6 years. Freaky!

Monday, February 25, 2008

The State of the Union Address

Mats Sundin punched the Leafs in the gut, and team management must now try to find other ways to improve the rebuilding team. The harsh reality, as I see it, is that the Leafs will be no better next year than they are now. Flags of Leafs fans will be at half mast Wednesday, after the trading deadline passes the Leafs by.

Their core of players - with 2008/09 salaries listed - are Bryan McCabe ($6.15M), Tomas Kaberle ($4.25M), Pavel Kubina ($5M), Darcy Tucker ($3M), and Jason Blake ($4.5M). They are either overpaid or underachieving, depending on your point of view.

With Sundin and Kaberle publicly refusing to go, Kubina and Tucker apparently doing the same in private, only Bryan McCabe has left the door open to any type of move. But his gigantic contract likely means that any team wanting him won't offer too much in return, as they'd be saddled with a franchise defenseman-worthy contract in return for a second pairing defenseman. I'm in favour of losing that contract at any cost, but I really think Cliff will have a tough time getting a deal done.

I've left out Jason Blake, because taking on his contract at his age and current production level is, well...cancer. Blake's health going forward is a major question mark, and he isn't even producing this season at the healthiest he'll ever be. Four 4 more years of him at $4M per year is enough to make a competent GM run the other way.

Fletch is going to need his Superman cape for his deadline dealings, as his dick has effectively been cut off. He is the man in charge of improving a brutal hockey team without being able to move any of the assets that would generate any real return.

Good luck, Cliffy! Make me proud!

Sundin Going Down With The Ship

In what I consider mind-blowing news, Mats Sundin has made it official: he will not allow himself to be traded. In his statement, Mats said, "I cannot leave my teammates and join another NHL Club at this time. I have never believed in the concept of a rental player. It is my belief that winning the Stanley Cup is the greatest thing you can achieve in hockey but for me, in order to appreciate it you have to have been part of the entire journey and that means October through June. I hope everyone will understand and respect my decision."


I for one neither understand nor respect this decision. This decision has set the team back several seasons. The reward that Sundin would have fetched is immense. Without that return, the now-rebuilding Leafs have a 37 year old - who shows no indication he has any interest in winning - as their best player. Make no mistake; Sundin's decision has had a significant negative impact on the future of the team.

Keep walking, Mats

Mats has said he isn't even sure whether he'll play hockey next year, but I'll finish this thought with the assumption that he'll play at least one more. The fallout from Sundin's refusal to be traded should be:

(1) The Toronto Maple Leafs should not resign Mats Sundin in the summer. This is a team so far removed from being competitive that employing a 37 year old player at a projected $5M per season makes absolutely no sense. Bringing Sundin back only takes up a roster spot better suited for younger players. The Leafs should focus their attention on locking up a pending UFA much younger than Sundin. As of today, the following players are UFA this summer (and yes, I do realize this list is likely to get smaller after tomorrow's trading deadline): Marian Hossa, Michael Ryder, David Vyborny, Vinny Prospal, Wade Redden, Dan Boyle, Brian Campbell, and JM Liles. By no means would these players replace Mats, but they have much more hockey left than does Sundin; hell, they may even be interested in winning a Cup one day.

Mats made it clear this weekend that he doesn't want to be traded, which ultimately means that his tenure with Toronto will not end in the Leafs gaining assets. If I am GM, I make his tenure here end as quickly as possible.

(2) If management caves and does in fact sign Sundin - I have very little faith that this organization is capable of making the tough decision not to sign their most popular player - he should not be the captain in 2008/09. No player that chooses a comfortable lifestyle over the chance to win hockey's ultimate prize is captain material. Moreover, no player that decided winning a Stanley Cup isn't his best option should be in a de facto mentoring role to the rebuilding team that the Leafs will ice next season. He has set a bad example.

The thing is, I know that Mats Sundin is smart enough to realize that his decision means he's probably finished in Toronto after this year. By telling the team he wants to stay, he's effectively setting himself up to depart. So why not allow the trade, knowing you're likely on your way out anyway, thus making the Leafs much better? Why not leave Toronto in February rather than July (when free agent signings begin)? It makes no fucking sense to me, and it screams of selfishness.

There has been a lot written about Sundin over the last couple of weeks. The conventional wisdom out there suggests that no ill will should be felt against Sundin, that he gave the franchise his best years and owes the team nothing. I call shenanigans on that type of thinking. This team made Mats Sundin rich. He was made a celebrity of epic proportions in the biggest hockey market in the world. Mats Sundin has had it damn good for the almost 14 years he's been in Toronto. I'll remind the readers that Sundin brought no Cups to Toronto in that time. So why can't fans be disappointed with Sundin? Why can't we question his motives? Mats' decision this weekend really, really hurts the team that he swears he loves.

If Mats Sundin had any affinity for the Toronto Maple Leafs, he'd have allowed Fletch to trade him. It's clear now, however, that Mats Sundin cares only about Mats Sundin.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Big Swede to Play With Big Joe?

I figured I would post this trade that has just been presented to the Leafs because it is not something that you could hear about anywhere else other than from Andy Strickland's blog on

If you are too lazy to click the link, this is what it says:

"San Jose has discussed a trade with Toronto in which both clubs would swap superstars.

TO Toronto: Patrick Marleau, Steve Bernier, Christian Ehrhoff, and a pick believe to be a 2nd rounder

TO San Jose: Mats Sundin and Tomas Kaberle

No word on if Sundin or Kaberle have any interest in taking their game to San Jose.

Kaberle is exactly what San Jose needs."

Before you meat-head Leafs fans freak out and say this is a horrible deal, consider the fact that every GM in the league knows that Mats Sundin is just a rental player and the odds are very good he will not be playing for their team next year, and could possibly come back to Toronto.

Factor out Kaberle and Marleau and the deal is Sundin (a rental player) for a power forward in Steve Bernier, a good young defenseman in Ehrhoff (though I'd rather see Carle come to the Leafs), and a 2nd round pick. Pretty decent if you ask me, because I think in past years GMs have been overpaying for rental players, and I think they have caught on and will now start paying less for rental players.

I think that Sundin and Kaberle would each waive their no-trade clauses to go to San Jose, but for this deal to be done I think Fletcher would want to throw in Raycroft, and have San Jose add a 1st round draft pick.

Andy Strickland also added that Anaheim still really wants Sundin, but the deal is now that Fletcher is trying to include Raycroft but Brian Burke doesn't want him.

Give me your thoughts, but take into account that this is just a trade proposal, and the players in the deal could be changed or draft picks could be added.

Stay tuned, more to come. Sundin should make his announcement today.

Trade Deadline '08 Update

As already published, Leafs captain Mats Sundin has been asked to waive his no-trade clause by Cliff Fletcher and was given the weekend to think about it. Mats' agent JP Barry spoke to the media yesterday at 3pm and said that Sundin will tell Fletcher his decision within the next 24 hours.

Bryan McCabe, who has also been handed an offer from another team by Fletcher, is supposed to make his decision today.

By 3 pm today, Fletcher will know whether Sundin is going, or he has decided to side with his no-trade provision, meaning we will know no later than Monday whats Sundin's decision is. Same goes with Caber.

Sundin's decision must come by today because the majority of the general managers around the league are awaiting where Sundin will go or if he will stay because many of the deals are waiting on the pretense of Sundin's decisions.

Eklund reported late last night that Sundin's list of teams is down to Anaheim, Detroit, and Montreal. The best deal would definitely be coming from Anaheim, but wouldn't it be nice to see him go to Montreal, and they get put out in the first round of the playoffs and then Sundin returns back to Toronto? Leafs fans would never forget it, and they would rip into Habs fans for it for the eternity of the rivalry.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Steen-Whistle Locked Up

Sources are telling TSN that the Leafs have extended Alex Steen's contract giving him two years at $1.7 million a year. Steen has been rumoured in trades last season in the Pronger sweepstakes and this year as well.

I think this is a great move by the Leafs, as Steen has seen his play improved this year, becoming more physical and growing up a bit more. At times in the season, Steen was playing with Nik Antropov and Mats Sundin, two big bodies who can control the puck great down low, and Steen definitely didn't look out of place while playing with those two. He also seemed to be the spark of the Stajan-Steen-Devereaux line that was a real hit earlier this season.

Another reason I really like this move is because I think Steener is the future of the Leafs, and in my mind he will be the next captain of the Blue & White. If not right after Sundin is gone, then in a couple years. Steen is possibly the only young roster player that has proved himself to be the future of this team, with Wellwood expected to have a breakout 70-point year this year and turning out to being a big floppy cock, and I really don't think Stajan has the ability to be much better than he is now, which is sitting at about average.

Mats Sundin: As Mr. Bone reported, Cliff Fletcher met with Mats Sundin on his future with the team. The news now is that he was expected to make a decision by today on whether he will waive his no trade clause, but it now seems like he will take the weekend to think about it. The bulk of the other moves around the league rely on Mats Sundin's decision on whether he will stay or go, so hopefully he doesn't take too long deciding. Howard Berger says that in tomorrow night's game against the Thrashers that if Mats Sundin is playing, it is very likely that he has rejected to waive his no trade clause, because you don't want to risk injury with a player involved in a trade.

In my mind, if Mats Sundin was not going to waive his no trade clause, he would have specified that two weeks ago to Cliff Fletcher and probably the media. This would've been the end to the talks, and with less than 4 days to go until the deadline and this still being a hot commodity, I think Sundin is gone. I'm really liking the idea of the Ryan-Mikkelson-EDM 1st round pick for Sundin-Stajan-2009 2nd rounder trade, and I think Anaheim is the likely destination for Mats.

Sundin's agent J.P. Barry was in Toronto speaking with Fletcher as many of you already know. Barry is a very well known agent around the league and he is the agent for many big NHL names, including Evgeni Malkin. I think this is a huge deal that Barry was speaking to Fletcher yesterday, and this means to me that the Sundin deal is on the top of his to-do list. A busy agent like Barry would not come to talk to Fletcher if a deal hasn't already been presented to Sundin, and if the possibility of him being traded wasn't there.

I think there is a very good deal (possibly the Anaheim deal) currently awaiting Sundin's approval. With Sundin and agent JP Barry sitting down with Fletcher yesterday, I think the consideration for Sundin is very serious, and TSN says Sundin's decision will come after the weekend, but if I don't see the captain in the lineup tomorrow night, I'm putting my money on a trade being announced within the next 48 hours.

In my last post, I pasted a quote from TSN, and the whole article I had written changed to a different font with italics, sorry for the change, but I tried multiple times to change it back and it would not work.

Friday Trade Updates

The latest:

Darcy Tucker
Tucker was approached by Fletch about being traded. He has a no-trade clause and refused to allow the trade. The details of the deal(s) are hazy, but reports suggest there were deals on the table with all of Anaheim, Ottawa, and Detroit. So, expect to see every blue-collar Leafs fan's favourite player with the team next year. Maybe then he'll get his head out of his ass and play some hockey.

Mats Sundin

As is being widely reported, Fletch met with Mats yesterday, as well as his agent this morning. This is good news unless you think trading away Mats Sundin is a bad idea (i.e. unless you are a mouth breather). See, if Mats unequivocally told Fletch he wouldn't allow himself to be traded, there would be no need to meet with his agent today. Moreover, the two had a meeting around a week ago, and had Mats put his foot down then, yesterday's meeting would have been pointless. Translation: Fletch, that old sailor, is working on something. Come on Fletch, bring home Bobby Ryan! I for one think that the Sundin/Stajan/'09 2nd round for Ryan/Mikkelson/'08 1st round (from EDM) deal that is being rumoured is way lopsided in the Leafs' favour. Anaheim gets the best player in the deal, sure, but they're only guaranteed to get him for the rest of the year. The Leafs pick up a budding superstar as well as a boner of a draft choice. If Fletch can pull this off, I'll send him naked pictures of myself. I think he'd like that.

Bryan McCabe

Similar to the Sundin situation, Fletch met with McCabe this morning. What was discussed we don't know, but this is at very least a positive step toward McCabe fucking off to fuckoffity land. OK, maybe that's harsh, but the fact is that there are very few players in the league that can justify a contract the size of McCabe's...and McCabe isn't one of them. His was a brutal signing - maybe JFJ's worst - and the Leafs are handicapped until he is off the books at $5.75M per season.

Oh, and all of Sundin, McCabe, and Andrew Raycroft missed practice this morning with the flu. I'm not totally sure what strain of flu, but my guess is the "I'm about to get traded away so I'm being held out of practice" flu, which hits a lot of players about this time of year.

Leafs Lose, No Sluts Flash Crowd (boo-urns)

In news so irrelevant that I almost don't want to post about it, the Leafs lost to the Buffalo Sabres last night 5-1. The Leafs didn't look like a team fighting for their playoff lives, they looked like a team without hope...and I can't say I'd be any different if I were a part of the team. Their listless play lately is a pretty good indicator that the team damn well knows how effed they are this year, maybe even that they're aiming for the top (#1 overall) by aiming for the bottom (30th place).

Carlo Colaiacovo really, really looks like Dina Pugliese from Breakfast Television.
I don't know which of the two to feel more sorry for.

The only thing I'd like to note about the game last night was that Vesa Toskala allowed an uncharacteristic bad goal. I tried to think back to the last time I saw Vesku do that, and honestly couldn't remember. I'd put his season totalof bad goals at about 5. Contrast this to the last two seasons of goaltending in Toronto: Ed Belfour (because he was old and injured) and Andrew Raycroft (because he has the motor skills of a drunk) were good for one bad goal every other game. I can't even fathom how few points the Leafs would have this year without Toskala.

The latest Sundin rumour:
Mats Sundin + Matt Stajan + 2009 2nd Round pick to the Anaheim Ducks for Bobby Ryan + Brendan Mikkelson + 2008 1st round pick (from Edmonton).

From what I hear, this deal is on the table and awaits Mats' approval. This is a boner of a move. Bobby Ryan, I'll remind you, was the #2 overall pick in 2005. Translation: he was the highest-drafted player in the world in 2005 not named Sidney Crosby. He is offensively gifted and is a sure first line player to be.

Edmonton's 2008 draft choice is another ridiculous asset. Edmonton currently sits 27th overall, making their draft choice no lower than 5th overall if the season ended today. Considering the injury troubles in Edmonton, you have to imagine that the 28th place Leafs will surpass them by the end of the year, and maybe even the 29th place Lightning. So, Edmonton's pick could be #2 overall in the strongest draft year since 2003. The Leafs, by making this deal, would likely have two of the top five draft choices. My mouth is watering at the prospect.

Losing Matt Stajan in the deal is almost a bonus. He is a restricted free agent at the end of the year, and has shown that he can be nothing more than a 3rd line centre in the league. There really is nothing wrong with that - every team needs a 3rd line centre - but Stajan is too soft to ever excel in that role. Moreover, Anaheim employs one of the top (if not the top) 3rd line centre in the league in Sammy I think Matty would be playing 4th line minutes or switched to the wing.

Thanks for staying, Kabbie:
Fletch had a deal on the table that would have sent Tomas Kaberle to Philadelphia. In return, the Leafs would have received Jeff Carter + a draft pick. As noted earlier this week, Kabbie wants to stay a Leaf, so he invoked his no trade clause. My opinion on this deal depends on where the draft pick would come from, but unless it was a 1st round pick this year (again, a very strong draft year), this deal makes no sense.

Kaberle is one of the best in the league at his craft, and his contract is below market value. To lose that for Jeff Carter is simply not worth it. Carter hasn't exceeded 45 points in any of his three NHL seasons, despite playing with my vote for 2008 breakout player of the year Mike Richards. Carter can score, but not well enough to lose Kaberle.

So, this is a big sloppy kiss on Kabbie's cheek for being stubborn and refusing to leave town when asked.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Raycroft On The Move?

TSN is reporting in their 'Ice Chips' segment that Scott Clemmensen was called up in place for Andrew Raycroft who has the "flu".

The following is copied from TSN's Ice Chips:

"The club held an optional skate on Thursday. Mats Sundin and Bryan McCabe did not take part. Scott Clemmensen took part in the skate in place of Andrew Raycroft who was said to be ill with the flu.
Vesa Toskala will get the start in net against the Sabres

What are the chances that backup goalie (and major disappointment) Andrew Raycroft is so ill with the flu that he can't take part in a couple shots in practice and sit on the end of the bench for the game, with just five days to go until the NHL trade deadline? He is already the worst goalie in the league, I don't think that having the flu will make his game that much worse if in fact Vesa Toskala plays so bad that he can't finish (which is unlikely the way he has been playing lately).

The move seems so ridiculously unnecessary at this point, especially considering it involves tinkering with the division-leading Toronto Marlies lineup.

So just a thought, but I think an announcement will come either later tonight or tomorrow that Raycroft has been either traded or put on waivers.

On the Sundin Front: For all of you that are interested in the Sundin trade rumours, Eklund reported earlier today that Fletcher has scheduled a serious talk with Sundin about waiving his no-trade clause. In his opinion he states that Cliff must have a deal that he likes, or he wouldn't be approaching him. Sounds reasonable.

UPDATE: Sundin and Fletcher had their meeting earlier today. Hmm, Raycroft not available, Fletcher approaching Mats. Blockbuster deal anyone?

Stay tuned for more trade news on the Leafs.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Leafs Flasher Update

The following image comes to us thanks to S.O.L. over at The End Guard. S.O.L. was nice enough to get the following pic to me, which was taken at the game. Now, boys, don't get your boners in a knot, as the pic isn't what you think. It's a snap of a laptop that is viewing a pic of the Leafs flasher, and it's as blurry as an Irishman's vision. But, at this point, it's the best shot on the interweb.

So, yeah, here's your mystery flasher (suckers!):

Trade Watch 2008

The Blue & White is going to get off its collective lazy ass and be the news source for trade deadline deals and rumours. With less than a week to go (!!!) before the February 26 deadline, we'll pull together all of the best information out there and spoon feed it to you. We'll do this because our average reader is part of the MTV generation: zero attention span, hazardously low levels of literacy, and the complete inability to think critically.

With that said, here is the first installment:

Mats Sundin
Mats Sundin is still sticking to his earlier statements about not waiving his NTC. I have called, and will continue to call shenanigans on that one. Mats Sundin will leave Toronto if he approves of the team to which he'd go. I've posted on this before, but NTC or not, Sundin is in a sticky situation. If he loves the team and the city and wants to win here, he must leave as a rental to make the team better...then resign with the Leafs. If he refuses to go (rest assured Cliff Fletcher will find a sweet deal), he shouldn't be resigned by the team. A rebuilding team cannot have a player that doesn't want to win as its captain - what kind of role model is that?

Sundin is rumoured to go to many teams, including Vancouver, Calgary, San Jose, Montreal, Ottawa, Anaheim, Detroit, and the New York Rangers. Peter Forsberg's announcement that he will not come back this season means that more teams will make a pitch for Mats, and that his price just went through the roof. Boner!

Tomas Kaberle

Tomas Kaberle is staying in Toronto. Despite rumours of potentially being traded, Kabbie vehemently denied that there is any chance he'll leave Toronto. He has a no-trade clause in his contract, so he'll stay if he wants to stay. Kaberle was our most attractive asset, as he is signed until 2011 at below market value. He'd have brought back more value than Mats Sundin will, as he has more hockey left in him, is signed long term, and is a top-level puck moving d-man, something that every team needs.

Nik Antropov

Antropov is rumoured to be leaving the Leafs because he is the type of gigantic power forward that any team can use. He would fit perfectly on any contender's second line. Nik's ability to stay away from injury this season has showcased his talents to the league. Only 27, he'd fetch a great return.

Bryan McCabe

A great offensive defenseman that can't do much else, McCabe's ridiculous contract and no movement clause will likely prevent him from being moved. Rumours involving McCabe continue, however, with the latest being that Fletch can rid himself of McCabe's services if he includes a draft pick. Fletch is a puddinhead if he doesn't jump at the chance to drop $5.75M of salary - yet only $3M of talent - from the payroll.

Andrew Raycroft

Probably the worst goaltender in the NHL this season. Agree or not, his stats generally support the claim. Some believe that a change of scenery would benefit Raycroft, as Toronto has effectively given up on him. There are contending teams that could use Raycroft as an improvement to their back-up goalie: San Jose, New Jersey, NY Rangers, Anaheim, and Vancouver all need to bolster their #2 goalie position. I won't hold my breath for a GM stupid enough to take on Raycroft at $2M per season. Does Raycroft's career remind anyone else of Eric Hinske's?

Check back here for daily trade updates!

Leafs Win, Slut Flashes Crowd

The Leafs beat the listless Columbus Blue Jackets 3-1 last night in a game that the Leafs had in control most of the way. It's hard to believe - after watching that game anyway - that the Blue Jackets are a better team than the Leafs. Their defense is above average, but that's about it. Their offense begins and ends with Rick Nash, who is consistently overrated (57 points is his career high). I think Columbus' record has a lot to do with Pascal Leclaire's ridiculous start to the season - 5 shutouts in 9 games? That's unpossible!

Every Toronto media source has noted that there was a blonde behind the Leafs' bench that took her shirt off for the hooligans at the ACC. I missed it. I have no idea why it is news, but I'm probably only saying that because I am bitter that there is no video of the incident. For shame. Where is The Sun's tabloid-esque insistence on showing skin when you need it?

The Leafs lost Boyd Devereaux, Darcy Tucker, and Pavel Kubina to injury. As of yet there is no word on how much time they'll miss, if any. Judging by my view from my couch (after several brown bottles), Tucker and Kubina shouldn't miss any time, while Devereaux's injury is somewhere between a mild sprain and a total knee devastation. Hard to say.

Random Game Notes:
- Colaiacovo's goal was the first goal from a Leafs blueliner since February 2. Insert farting sound here. Do I need to remind everyone that the Leafs have about $20 million dollars per season back there, most of which is tied up in offensive d-men? Boys, we can almost handle the nightly defensive bedshittings if you're putting up some points. Fer fucksakes, earn your paycheques!

- The Leafs energy line of Moore / Devereaux / Kilger was again the Leafs' most noteworthy line. Kilger scored the Leafs' 3rd goal, and the line was responsible for Colaiacovo's goal in the first period. These guys are really playing well, but I am disappointed watching them, as their play highlights how poorly the other lines are put together. Oh, and does anyone else think Chad Kilger is gay? Everytime I see him interviewed, I'd bet my life on his homosexuality. I wonder if Vegas takes bets on gay. In any event, I really think Chad would be an incredible role model to gay youngsters, should he 'come out'. There are hundreds of hockey players to look up to, but no openly gay hockey players.

- He has put together a very reasonable string of games lately, so I've really tried to give him another chance, but the verdict is is: Matt Stajan is to hockey greatness what a small cock is to female orgasm. I'm not going to restate all the reasons why Matt Stajan is a sack of jizz; instead, I want to give you homework. Watch Matt when he is on the ice. If you ever see Matt Stajan win a one-on-one battle for the puck, I'll eat my hat. It simply doesn't happen.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Leafs Win, Chara Still Ugly

After a four-day weekend, I'm back in the groove today. No posts this weekend were due to no internet.

Danno and I took in the Leafs / Bruins game at the ACC on Saturday night, and boy was it boring at times. Fuck the Boston Bruins. Half of the game was a total snooze due to their bullshit overly-defensive style of play. At their most basic level, sports are entertainment. The Boston Bruins organization evidently tries to turn what could be an exciting sporting event into a chore to watch. Blehhh. Anyway, the last half of the third period and overtime made it all worthwhile.

The Leafs won 4-3 on the strength of Darcy Tucker's second goal of the game. No, really.

Darcy Tucker after his OT game-winning goal.
Charles Manson called; he wants his batshit crazy, chemically imbalanced stare back.

The game was a few days ago now, so rather than a recap, the following is what I noticed about the game that I would have missed had I watched it on the tele:

- Bryan McCabe's hand is definitely not 100%. Watching him in the pre-game warm-up, his shot is nothing like what it used to be. He was able to wind up and blast it, but his shot looked average at best - nothing like what it was. During the game, McCabe had perfect chances to unleash the one-timer (on the PP, for instance), but decided to pass it off instead. His hand isn't ready; and without the ability to use his best weapon, should he really be in the lineup?

- The Leafs' best line was Devereaux / Moore /Kilger. They applied the most forechecking pressure and mostly kept the Bruins in their zone. They even came away with the first Leafs goal. I heard meatheads in the stands talk up the line and how good they are, but the reality is that they look so good because the other 3 Leafs lines look so bad. This line is a typical 3rd line. They grind, they hit, and they create energy. But there really is nothing special about the Leafs third line, other than that they outplay the scoring lines on the team more than they should. Leafs Nation needs to watch good teams play hockey, and see how good scoring lines operate. On many NHL teams, their #1 line is the one that creates the energy and gets the crowd buzzing- you know, the way it should be.

- Leafs fans suck. Every time the Leafs carry the puck inside the blueline, they scream. Every mediocre scoring chance leads to most people in the stands absolutely losing their minds. I don't get it. Judging by the noise levels in the ACC, it's fairly evident that Leafs fans have no idea what is happening on the ice, about 90% of the time. Fuck!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Up Close and Personal... Well Not That Close

As a 17th birthday present, Mr. Bone will be taking me to the Leafs game tomorrow where the Boston Bruins are in town. The Leafs will be facing a division rival which they have had trouble beating in recent games.

It appears as though Vesa Toskala will get the start again tomorrow. With the Leafs going through a struggling season Toskala is one of the few players as emerged as one of the few that you can count on to "give 'er shit" every time he plays, and has been very solid for the better part of the season.

With back-to-back losses against Buffalo and the New York Islanders, the Leafs now sit in last place in the Eastern Conference, and with the trade deadline just 11 days away this Leaf team could be looking a lot different come February 26th, the day of the trade deadline.

When Mr. Bone presented me with the tickets I was a little down because last year Boston was the most boring team to watch in the NHL, but this year they have been a little bit more exciting. They went from being as fun to watch as getting your wisdom teeth out to now only as boring to watch as waiting for water to boil. Nevertheless, the ACC is always a great atmosphere and it should be a great night. I'm hoping I can get my Rbk jersey signed by a few of the players.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Shut Out!

The Leafs were on the losing end of a fantastic game last night. The Sabres won 1-0 in what was the most exciting Leafs game since Christmas - maybe the entire year. Both teams applied great forechecking pressure at different points of the game, but were kept at bay by amazing goaltending at both ends.

Again, the Leafs were almost as good as - but not quite equal to - a team that had played the night before. For shame!

Buffalo's goal came as the result of an Anton Stralman giveaway. He fell down while under pressure, managed to get back onto his feet (while being chased by a Sabre), only to flub his outlet pass, resulting in a turn over. I'll not berate Stralman here, because I think he showed real poise by regaining his feet while being chased. The pass was unfortunate, as it looked to have skipped over the blade of his stick. I think Stralman will be a Kaberle-esque d-man in couple of seasons, so he needs some slack while he is learning his trade. Most d-men play much more minor league hockey than has Stralman, and even then, they rarely peak before age 25. Stralman is 21.

Paul Maurice dressed 7 defensemen last night for the third straight game. Last night was both the third game since the Leafs' personal 9/11 - the 8-0 home-ice humiliation at the hands of the lowly Panthers - and the third game since Bryan McCabe's return. It's hard to say which of the two events made Maurice go with the extra d-man, but it seems to be working. The Leafs have only allowed 5 goals in those 3 games - two against Montreal, who own the 4th overall 'Goals For' Average; two against Detroit, with the 2nd ranked GFA; and one against Buffalo, the 5th ranked team

I also have my own theory. I really think the 7 d-men routine has something to do with one of them being dealt. Call me crazy, but I've never known Maurice to dress 7 d-men. Ever. I actually really like the move, because Maurice plays his 4th forward line so little, it only makes sense to remove a player from that line for a d-man. When McCabe came back, however, one of Stralman or White would normally have been watching from a press box. But now, roughly two weeks from the trade deadline (where four Leafs d-men have been involved in trade rumours to some degree) Maurice is playing (showcasing?) all of his d-men. At the very least, it's strange timing. Hopefully, one of the big 3 defense contracts are in the process of being shipped out.

On a related note, Ian White played the least of any Leafs defender, and played more minutes than only one player: the extraordinarily disappointing Kyle Wellwood. I've called out White for poor play several times this year; could coach Maurice finally see what I saw 30 games ago?

Alexei Ponikarovski returned after missing 7 games with a shoulder injury. He looked like he needs some more time off. His box score was more empty than a 50 Cent retirement guarantee. Nobody could convince me this morning that Poni was more effective than Robbie Earl, the man he replaced in the Leafs' lineup. Moreover, Earl should definitely be playing ahead of Kyle Wellwood at this point.

Coupled with the Leafs' loss, a Chicago win last night dropped the Leafs to 28th place overall. 3rd worst. If the season ended today (please, Jeebus, end this season today!) the Leafs would receive a lottery pick for their "effort", and could draft no lower than 4th. More importantly, they'd have a shot at #1.

Speaking of a #1 overall draft pick, here's hoping Andy Raysoft starts tonight against the New York Islanders.

Fletch Quote of the Day:
"My belief is he [Sundin] will only waive his no-trade clause to go to certain teams."
Well, Cliff, since you and Mats met a couple of weeks back to discuss that very thing, I think your belief is probably pretty close to reality. Take that, media men that insist Mats will not waive his NTC! I've said all along that Mats will go elsewhere, assuming he has input as to where. Bones it!

Post Script:
As annoying as he is, I appreciate watching games that feature Pierre McGuire as the colour commentator. A former assistant coach with the Stanley Cup winning Pittsburgh Penguins of the early 90's, McGuire gives more detail in one period than Harry Neale does in a season, or Greg Millen does in a month.

Typical Leafs fans
everywhere should listen to Pierre, as he gives intelligent hockey information not available elsewhere. A great example came last night, when McGuire chastised Jiri Tlusty for being out of position on a Hal Gill clearing attempt. Tlusty being out of place meant Buffalo kept the puck in, and Gill took a penalty in trying to bail out his teammate.

With any other colour guy, there'd have been no mention of Tlusty's bad play. Moreover, there would have been a replay (or two) of Gill taking his opponent down, thus making Gill look bad, and increasing Leafs Nation's hate-on for him. In reality, Gill is a steady d-man, and having McGuire at the helm last night kept the negative focus where it belonged - on Tlusty. Neither Neale or Millen would have provided the viewer with that much. It's really too bad that McGuire insists on pulling that bullshit "Monster" gimmick every other shift, as it's damn near too much to bear.

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Monday, February 11, 2008

Who Will The Leafs Move?

Today, the Ottawa Senators and Carolina Hurricanes completed what Bob McKenzie called "nothing less than a blockbuster trade".

The trade sent potential top 3 defenseman Joe Corvo and left winger Patrick Eaves from Ottawa to Carolina for defenseman Mike Commodore and veteran left winger Cory Stillman, who has two Stanley Cup rings in the last 3 years, and 46 points so far this year.

This move paves the road for the other 28 teams in the league to make a move of their own at the deadline and may force other teams into make moves, with the knowledge that their rivals have just improved. The Toronto Maple Leafs may have lucked out.

The Leafs have wowed their fans with wins over arguably the top three teams in the league - Ottawa, Montreal, and Detroit - but they didn't forget to squeeze in an 8-0 loss to Florida, one of the leagues worst. This recent run doesn't put Cliff Fletcher in a different position, and intelligent Leafs fans won't change their minds on this season. Fletch was brought here to get the deal done, and set up this team for the new GM to take over.

But who will the Leafs end up moving? With all the ifs and buts over Sundin being traded, will Fletcher find a good deal for both sides? Will the Leafs unload the huge contracts of McCabe and Kubina? Will typical Leafs fan favourite Darcy Tucker be gone, even with his no-trade clause? Will we finally get rid of that incompetent Andy Raysoft? Only time will tell.

Cliff Fletcher is here to be a short term fixer and a long term builder. Recently I have heard rumours that if he is a big seller at the deadline - which most figure he will be - he will not settle for just prospects and draft picks. Apparently Fletch could bring in the likes of Marian Hossa or Martin St. Louis if the right deal is put on the table (Antropov, Tucker, Kubina, Raycroft kind of package). A short term fixer and a long term builder. But that is just a rumour, so keep your pants on.

So maybe it is just me, but Trade Deadline '08 is feeling a little like Christmas... without religion being forced down my throat.

Girls Only Like Guys With Good Skills

The skills competition took place yesterday morning, which gives me a perfect opportunity to say something I've wanted to say for some time now: The Leafs really, really went too far when they called their skills competition, "The McDonald's Toronto Maple Leafs Skills Competition presented by Rogers". What an unholy mouthful of words. Is it humanly possible to squeeze more corporate branding into one sentence*? Jesus fucking fuck. How insulting for the fan to have to endure such bullshit advertising.

(* Yes, I do realize that it isn't a true sentence...)

This is corporate advertising at its greediest. I mean, if it's the McDonald's Skills Competition, it's presented by McDonald's, no? If it's presented by Rogers, it's the Rogers Skills Competition. I don't see how the two can coexist, especially when you consider that every single fucking event at the skills competition had its own sponsor. The truth is probably that they fucking cannot coexist. MLSE should hang it's extortionate head in shame for this one. This is a company that already insults its fans by charging the highest ticket prices in the NHL for the privilege of watching the 4th worst team. With that in mind, I really don't think it's too much to ask to be spared the three corporations worth of advertising packed into one sentence, especially when that sentence is none other than the title of a formerly honest attempt to give the child fan something to cheer about. MLSE, you miserly fucks.

On to the results:
Fastest Skater: Jason Blake (14.34 seconds)
Hardest Shot: Chad Kilger (100 mph)
Shooting Accuracy: Tomas Kaberle (4 targets in 5 shots)
Shoot-out: Ian White (huh?)
Puck Control Relay: Tlusty over Earl and Steen, Stralman, Moore over White, Stajan, Devereaux
Powerplay Challenge: White, Stajan, Devereaux

Were there any players present that weren't 3rd or 4th line forwards or bottom pairing defenseman? Christ!

I've said it before, but how is Chad Kilger not a better hockey player than he is?. How is he not a superstar? He has every tangible tool required to dominate in the NHL, yet he toils on the 3rd and 4th lines of a bottom-dwelling hockey team after being waived by a formerly bottom-dwelling hockey team. What gives? Chad Kilger was a 4th overall pick in a draft that saw defensemen go #1 (Bryan Berard), #2 (Wade Redden), and #3 (Aki Berg) overall. Yep, you read that right; Kilger was the top drafted forward of his draft year. The best forward prospect of all players born in 1976/1977 is a bag of shit hockey player despite being as talented as anyone on the team.

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Saturday, February 9, 2008

Leafs Face Red Wings

For the first time since December 6th, 2003, these two Original Six rivals will face off at the ACC in a matinée game, starting at 3pm EST.

Foreseeing image of what this game will probably look like.
Detroit is the tiger and Toronto is the innocent calf.

The game will see Dominik Hasek and Vesa Toskala in between the pipes, where the best team in the NHL is facing off against the 3rd worst.

The Leafs have sandwiched an 8-0 loss to Florida between two 4-2 division wins against Ottawa and the red hot Montreal Canadiens. Detroit lost their last game to the worst team in the NHL, but before that loss they had won eight straight and sit easily in first place, 15 points ahead of 2nd place Dallas. Their record is a whopping 41-11-4, and their road record is what the Leafs have to watch for tonight, being 20-6-2 as the guest.

But maybe the return of Bryan McCabe will spark the play of the team like it did against the Habs, and Toskala can continue his strong play so we can squeak out a rare win against the Wings. Maybe they are real down from adding their 15th loss of the season to the worst team in the league.

The Leafs Going Forward: From the start of the season, I believed the team that the Leafs have put together is a real playoff contender. With a bunch of injuries, the Leafs fell to last in their division and second last in the East. I kind of gave up hope on this season, but I will still watch every single game and cheer for them. I would like to see them get a great draft pick, and I believe their chances for the playoffs are almost completely gone.

You can't tell the players and the coaches to blow up the season. Cliff Fletcher may trade or get rid of 10 players at the deadline, who knows? But no group of players, especially this Maple Leafs team in a market like Toronto, is just going to give up on the season.

I heard a rumour yesterday that maybe the Leafs might be getting a top liner at the deadline in the midst of all the players they give up. It's not going to be another Gary Roberts or Jason Allison type pick up, I heard the names of Marian Hossa or Martin St. Louis could be coming to the Leafs. Probably not, but it just goes to show that maybe if the Leafs win some games and shake up their roster by getting rid of some older guys and guys making too much money and bring in a goal scorer - they would have a contending team. Of course, I would rather see them plummet to last and try to get the 1st overall pick and bring in raw young talent, but how do you tell a team of professional athletes to go out and lose? Maybe... just maybe. I sure hope they don't get a good enough team to finish 9th place again though, but would it be nice to have a goal scorer like Marty St. Louis as the face of the Leafs, rather than the old balding Mats Sundin?

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


The Toronto Maple Leafs have pulled their heads out of their asses, looked at a 30-second clip of Andy Wozniewski's play, and placed him on waivers. If he clears (he probably won't), he will report to the Toronto Marlies for a championship run with the Maple Leafs AHL affiliate.

I think the Woz is a decent defensive player, but he is very slow, and he is always a step behind the play in the NHL. That, or giving away the puck. He would be a great 6th defenseman on a Western Conference team, where bigger, more physical hockey is played.

In Trade News:

- Dion Phaneuf just signed a whopping contract with the Calgary Flames that averages $6.5 million over the next 6 years, and Eklund's title for the update ran Dion Done...but are the Flames? .."Not even close."

The signing isn't related news, but the fact that a source told Eklund that the Flames are "not even close" to being done their moves sparked my attention, as Calgary is listed as a possible suitor for Mats Sundin. Earlier today Calgary was ruled out from the Peter Forsberg runnings, as were Detroit and Dallas. If you put two and two together, doesn't there seem to be huge potential here? Eklund spits out 5 big rumours a day, most of which won't happen, but when an insider like him quotes a source, they are usually very accurate.

This also seems to make great sense to me. His other possible suitors are San Jose, Vancouver, and Anaheim. San Jose already has Joe Thornton and Patrick Marleau at centre, Vancouver has Henrik Sedin at centre, and Anaheim is already a clear-cut Cup contender with the late additions of Niedermayer and Selanne.

Mr. Bone talked about how Howard Berger gave Sundin a 3 out of 10 in the chances of him being traded. Danno thinks: Sundin to Calgary (d4)

8-0 Florida. I Almost Puked. Then I Did.

Last night's game was a real kick in the junk. I mean, the whole season has been pretty lousy, but losing 8-0 to the 13th ranked team (12th ranked after last night) in the conference is flat-out sickening; like watching your sister in an 8-guy cream pie porno. Get it? 1 cream pie for every goal. Meuh!


Boys, boys, boys. What is there to say after that one? It was an absolutely disgusting affair. Richard fucking Zednik - a guy who went over 20 games without a goal this year - got a hat trick. Shit! Brett fucking McLean - a guy whose previous single game point total was two - got five points. He only had 11 points all season before last night's game. Cock! The Panthers are coached by Jacques Martin, one of the most defensive-minded coaches in the history of the world, yet they managed 8 goals in one game. Cunt! The Panthers' previous high this season was 6 goals, and they did that only once. Piss!

Despite my childish cursing, there is almost no bad news to be taken from the game last night. I mean, unless you were at the ACC for the game (sucker!). We know the 2007/08 Toronto Maple Leafs are pretty effing bad. There were, however, a few typical Leafs fans that were still holding onto playoff aspirations, but even those fans should now be convinced that rebuilding is the only reasonable course of action. Last night's game effectively gave Cliff Fletcher the green light to do something dramatic if he feels the need. Nobody is going to question a significant move anymore, as a big move only means that less of this vagina of a team will remain.

Last night's game also gave management a good look at a few of the Marlies' standouts. The results are in, and they ain't promising. Kris Newbury and Ben Ondrus proved once again that they are not NHL talents. They hustle, sure, but NHL-calibre players need to bring more than that. They both tried to show their worth via a fight, and they even failed at that. Some hockey players really need to learn the difference between a willingness to drop the mitts, and the ability to fight. Darcy Tucker: I am talking to you here as well.

The sole standout from the AHL squad was Robbie Earl. There is a man that hustles and skates like Jason Blake, but also brings with that soft hands, and a willingness to take the puck to the net. Robbie Earl will be on the 2008/09 Leafs squad. Take it to the bank. Joining him will be current Leafs Anton Stralman and Jiri Tlusty, both of whom began this season with the Marlies.

The Leafs goaltending was stellar last night: 8 goals on 26 shots. A combined 0.692 save percentage. Andrew Raycroft was brought in after a sloppy start by Vesa Toskala, only to play worse than Vesku. But really, that shouldn't have been a surprise to anyone. Raycroft is an ECHL talent. His apathy after terrible goals allowed is more frustrating than a Jehovah's Witness at your door. Andy, if you showed a little personality out there, I don't think you'd be the most hated man in the city. Maybe you should give it a shot.

If this Leafs team fell into a barrel of tits, it'd come out sucking its own thumb. Please, Fletch, bring in some real men that'll go for the tits!

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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Berger Ranks Leafs

Howard Berger popped out an interesting article this morning. He has listed every Leafs player, and given them a rank based on the likelihood that player will be moved at or before the trade deadline. The article is definitely worth a read, as it gives a paragraph per player explaining his rank.

Notable is that Berger lists Andrew Raycroft as the most likely to be removed from the team. Raycroft received the highest possible rank - a 10 - and was the only Leaf ranked that highly. Following Raycroft with rankings of 9 are John Pohl, Wade Belak, and Andy Wozniewski. The highest ranked 'core' player was Kyle Wellwood at 7.

Could all three of these players be dealt before February 26th?

By no means is Berger's opinion gospel, but the fact is that no-one in the business follows the team closer than ole Howie. He's been the hockey reporter at The Fan for 20 years, and has been covering the Leafs - both home and away - since 1994. I put alotta stock in what Berger says, because he is a fine reporter, and he knows his shit.

Berger's article is discouraging to those of us waiting for a Mats Sundin trade. Sundin is given a ranking of 3, which doesn't give much hope that the team will be able to turn their captain into prospects and picks. Ouch.

It's can a professional athlete - one who devotes his entire life to playing a game - not want to win the ultimate prize in that game? There is an argument to be made that Sundin's Olympic gold medal is a more significant accomplishment than a Stanley Cup, but Sundin has played in the NHL for damn near 20 years. Olympics aside, anyone that competes in anything for 20 years wants to win, don't they?

Mats Sundin has the opportunity to go to another team for a few months, have a great shot at winning the most coveted trophy in a game of which he has chosen to make a career, only to simply resign with the Leafs in the summer. He'd almost surely re-sign with the Leafs, because he seemingly loves the team or the city so much. If he doesn't, why contemplate refusing a trade in the first place? Moreover, the team he'd be returning to would be much stronger because he left for those few months.

Giving Sundin a 3 ranking means there is some reason Berger believes Sundin won't allow himself to be traded. It's not that I have an issue with Berger, more that I have one with Sundin (assuming Berger's 3 is accurate). If Sundin blocks a trade, he is essentially saying that he isn't interested in winning. He can continue with the "I want to win here in Toronto" line, but anyone with a brain can see through that. Sundin is 36 years old, and competing for a Stanley Cup in his career will not happen on this team. Keanu Reeves has a better chance at a Best Actor Oscar than Sundin does at winning a Cup in Toronto. Sundin is smart enough to know he can't win anything while playing in Toronto.

The question then becomes, "Is Sundin a player the Leafs should be interested in bringing back for the 2008/09 season at all?". If he blocks a trade to a contending team - effectively ruining his own chances of winning big - is that the sort of leadership the team wants around a rebuilding team? Fuck no!

While I wouldn't hold it against Sundin for staying put - the man has played well for the Leafs for many years - it seems to me that blocking a trade in the next three weeks should mean an end to his time in Toronto. It would mean that all of his doubters have been right all of these years when they said that Sundin is a mediocre leader that doesn't have a winner's mentality.

I don't, however, believe Mats Sundin is that player. I believe Mats Sundin does have that hunger to win, and that he will allow himself to be the right team, of course. It is up to Cliff Fletcher to make the deal happen on Sundin's terms. I really think Berger has ranked Sundin far too low. Rather than being on the lowest third of his ranking system, I place Sundin in the highest third.

Berger knows more about the Leafs, or Sundin for that matter, than I do, but - being that his immediate future is in his own hands - Sundin not being traded means he isn't the player Leafs fans have come to adore, and I refuse to believe that our captain is a loser.

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Friday, February 1, 2008

Naked Pictures of Hayden Panetierre!

You'd be amazed how much more traffic this site gets when I run with a sensational, over-the-top headline like that. Of course, it's not 'real' traffic, but it makes me feel all warm inside when I see all those people coming to read The Blue & White. Apparently I'm an attention whore.

In any event, the Leafs lost to the Hurricanes last night, 3-2 in overtime. It was a sunuvabitch of a game for the Leafs...again. Not only did they lose, but they probably should have won...and they lost a couple more regulars. The Canes scored on a questionable high stick; the Leafs had a probable goal called back; a Canes player covered the puck in the crease (probably should have been a penalty shot); and Nik Antropov's penalty was iffy at best. Blaming the referees is a job I'll leave for typical Leafs fans, but I will say this: the circumstances last night were a real gypsy*.

(*Warning! The picture on the other end of the jump looks a lot like Tony Danza, a little like Detective Lenny Briscoe, and nothing like a woman. Ughhh)

Rock N' Roll Johnny Pohl looks to be out at least a week with a fairly serious - and grimace inducing - knee injury.

The loss of players is a potential disaster for Paul Maurice. Paul has never been fond of playing his 4th line. Last night, 5 of 12 Leafs forwards played under 10 minutes. The result was that the other 7 played huge minutes. Add to the mix two more players out - one of which the Leafs' leader in icetime among forwards - and Paul will either have to trust his depth players, or play the likes of Darcy Tucker and Matt Stajan 35 minutes a game. Please, Paul, use your 4th line more. After all, the season is lost and you can use the opportunity as a try-out for the young'uns.

Random Game Notes:
- I give Matty Stajan alotta shit, so here are some props: 23:32 played, 67% faceoff win percentage (several of those against Rod Brind'Amour, the best in the business), first line powerplay and first line penalty kill. Boner!

- Mats Sundin met with new GM Cliff Fletcher this week to discuss some bidniss. What they talked about, how the meeting went, and where they will go from here they aren't saying. The fucks. But at least they talked. The smart money is on Fletch convincing Sundin to waive his no-trade clause assuming Mats short-lists a few teams he is willing to go to. That's the most logical outcome, says me. I can't fathom a reason why JFJ was fired if Mats had made it perfectly clear he will unequivocally not accept a trade. Cliff Fletcher is a wheeler and a dealer. He was brought on to make some tough choices for the team - choices that MLSE didn't think JFJ could make. Trading Sundin is the biggest, and most important choice of them all. I believe Mats has made it clear that he is willing to go elsewhere, assuming he has a say as to where.

...his sister is still the #4 prostitute in all of Kazakhstan
Nik Antropov has been suspended three games for his temper tantrum after Rod Brind'Amour's overtime game-winning goal. Antropov was in the penalty box (for what he considered a questionable penalty) when Rod scored and let the referees have it upon his release. He even chucked his stick in their direction, a huge no-no in hockey. I wouldn't say this about many other players, but Nik gets a free pass from The Blue & White on this one.

Nik has been with the team for a long time, and he was picked on by media and fans alike for 7 of his 8 seasons with the team. This season, his play has improved, but the recognition he receives for his play has dramatically improved. With that came a newfound confidence as well as a fire inside. By that, I mean that Nik now holds himself more accountable for his play. When before he was beaten down by the constant, Larry Murphy-esque treatment he got in Toronto, this year he has been showing a drive to win, and showing his frustrations when the team doesn't.

So I say let the man show some emotion. He didn't for so long in Toronto, I was beginning to wonder if he had any in there.

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