Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Leafs Flasher Update

The following image comes to us thanks to S.O.L. over at The End Guard. S.O.L. was nice enough to get the following pic to me, which was taken at the game. Now, boys, don't get your boners in a knot, as the pic isn't what you think. It's a snap of a laptop that is viewing a pic of the Leafs flasher, and it's as blurry as an Irishman's vision. But, at this point, it's the best shot on the interweb.

So, yeah, here's your mystery flasher (suckers!):


adom said...

It is actually the photographer's laptop.

I'd say with a little enhancement, the breasts will be as clear as an (Italian)? man's vision.

TB said...

haha...I am ashamed to say I already tried that. Photoshop does have weaknesses, apparently.