Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Toskala. What the Fuck?

I don't know if I should be cursing in the title, but now is the perfect time.

It's 7:35 and I'm watching the game on Sportsnet.

The Leafs were on a powerplay and just 20 seconds into it, Rob Davison (just three career goals now) from the Islanders dumped the puck down the ice towards Toskala, and the bouncing puck got past Toskala. Don't get me wrong, the puck was bouncing around like a car after prom night, but the shot was from their goal line, and he had about 5 seconds to get ready for it. The play was strange, Toskala was square to the puck the whole time and it was ready to bounce into his glove but instead it bounced to the right and went under his glove and in the net.

I imagine Vesku will be getting some heat for this goal for the rest of the season from Leafs fans and sports casters everywhere. I won't bug him about it, because there was really nothing he could do to predict the way the puck would bounce, and also because he has been incredible in goal all season and his 29-22-6 record is the only thing that kept the Leafs in the playoff race. But needless to say, it is by far the worst goal I have ever seen allowed in my whole life.

Also, as Mr. Bone mentioned, Kyle Okposo (the 'K' is silent, pronounced oh-pose-oh) made his debut tonight for the Islanders but Alex Foster also made his debut tonight for the Leafs and they both looked pretty good out there.

Here is a video of the previous Top 10 worst goals in recent hockey history. Big surprise the Tommy Salo goal is #1, but Vesa Toskala had something to say about that tonight.

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