Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Toskala Shits The Bed...With Video!

So yeah. that was probably the funniest thing to happen in the NHL since the Steve Sullivan revenge incident.

Here's a video of the goal. I chose the Sportsnet feed because it has that sweet continuous shot from Davison's stick to the back of the net...175 feet away. I've seen a better camera angle - another continuous shot from just above Toskala's net - but couldn't find it during my search. And by search, I mean 30 second Youtube query.

I think it says alot about Toskala's play this season that nobody in the ruthless Toronto media took any jabs at him for the goal. Notwithstanding the fact that this was probably the softest goal in the history of the NHL, I've seen him let in only a handful of bad goals all season. He plays on a team in the lowest 25% of the league, yet is constantly credited with strong play.

I really think a case could be made for Toskala to win the Leafs MVP this season over Mats Sundin. Mats will win, because he is the captain, longest serving player and fan favourite, but has Vesa contributed any less this season?

Well, maybe. Mats didn't let in a goal from 174 feet away.

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