Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The Ugliest Man In The NHL Is Now A Leaf

Well, ole John Ferguson Hooknose has landed a decent free agent, and his name be Jason Blake. This is another move that makes the Buds a better team - next up is getting rid of some dead weight. 'Tis a bittersweet signing, because I personally loved to hate Jason Blake. He seemed to consistently perform well against the Leafs, although his split stats against Toronto don't support that. What this likely means is that Blake is an effective player even when not lighting the lamp. In other words, he is the exact opposite of Bryan McCabe.

With Blake and the previously acquired Mark Bell, the Leafs have upgraded significantly at LW. The best news of the Blake signing may be that the underachieving Jeff O'Neill looks to be out. Their top-12 forwards are finally playoff calibre. Scoring, size, speed, grit - they have it.

Side note: Mr. and Mrs. Bone were in Chicago over the weekend, and finding NHL updates there is harder than getting Siamese twins into a kayak. Fer fucksakes, its an NHL city! I couldn't track any significant free agent signings until crossing the border back into Canada.

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