Friday, December 7, 2007

Another Win, Really?

I almost can't believe it myself...the Leafs are on a 4 game winning streak, after beating the New York Rangers 6-2 last night. This was no ordinary beating, either. This was damn near a Rodney King.

Oh, and speaking of kings, King Henrik looked like King Ralph last night, allowing 4 goals on 10 shots.

Nik Antropov ripped a hat trick last night, his first since his rookie season. It prompted The Sun to run a "Nik Does The Trick" headline, and The Star to run a slightly less irritating "Antropov Does The Trick" headline. If you think about it, they're actually really insightful headlines...for autistic pre-schoolers. But seriously, Antropov was dominant-and-a-half last night and I pretty much get a boner every time he steps on the ice.

Random Game Notes:
- First and foremost: Hal Gill had his best game of the season. Not only did he totally shut down Jaromir Jagr, but he picked up 2 assists. Bones it!

- Pavel Kubina returned from roughly a month off due to injury. He played just under 20 minutes and picked up an assist.

- I still find the Rangers' centre situation puzzling and fucking hilarious at the same time. This is a team that goes out to spend tens of millions of dollars on free agent centremen, only to play noob Brandon Dubinsky on the top line with Straka and Jagr. What that means is that one of Scott Gomez or Chris Drury is, in effect, their #3 centre. Ouch. It's a good thing the Leafs' total lack of depth at centre ensures they'll never have that problem.

- Staying with Gomez, he dominated the faceoff circle last night, going 13-2. Insane numbers!

- Vesa Toskala wasn't as spectacular last night as he was his previous game versus Nashville, but he was every bit as solid. He seems to be getting better every week. And, don't look now, but his goals against average - just under 4 for the first month of the season - is officially under 3.

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