Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I Have Seen Jiri Tlusty's Dong

Reports surfaced late Tuesday night that naked pictures of Jiri Tlusty had been published on the interweb. The Toronto Sun - highbrow as ever - made this front page news.

Tlusty sent pictures of his naked, and 'attentive' dink to a puck bunny via Facebook, everyone's favourite substitute for actual communication.

Some reports actually have Tlusty pegged as homosexual. Being gay is only news in the world of sport, where homosexuality is not tolerated, but latent homosexual behaviour between teammates is not only encouraged, it's a staple.

In any event, the homosexual accusation seems to stem from another picture wherein Tlusty and another man are touching tongues. This along with the naked picture apparently point to him being gay.

The picture that I've linked to above is really very harmless. Anyone who's been to college and partied - like any self-respecting student would - has a few such pictures*.

There really doesn't seem to be any evidence that he's actually gay. And, if he is, I applaud his strength for coming out while playing professional sports. After all, probable Hall of Famer Glenn Anderson didn't have it in him to come out despite overwhelming evidence.

It seems Tlusty is just like every other 19 year old these days; he used the Facebook to pick up a girl. Let's not forget that countless girls are sending naked shots of themselves to attract boys.

The real shame in this whole story is that Tlusty will never live this down in the dressing room. His teammates are likely to cover his locker with that naked photo every day for the rest of the season. Ahhh, shenanigans...

*Please, Jeebus, please don't let me be the only one.

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