Sunday, November 25, 2007

Extra! Extra! Maple Leafs now less exciting than Dancing With The Stars!

Normally, claiming that anything is less exciting than Dancing With The Stars is more of a bold statement than wearing a "I Fuck On The First Date" t-shirt to a job interview. Alas, the Leafs are in a downward spiral not seen since...well, since last season when they hit the shitter.

In a stunning turn of events, the Leafs lost again last night, this time to the Phoenix Coyotes. Okay, so it isn't so stunning - more stunning would have been this Leafs team pulling their heads out of their own asses and winning a game.

Andrew Raycroft, Vesa Toskala, and Raycroft's molester moustache combined to allow 5 goals against a very weak offensive team. Raycroft was actually pulled after 2 goals on 7 shots, but not because he played badly - his moustache just needed to air out.

Tomas Kaberle was -4 last night. For anyone keeping count, that's -7 in his last two games. Isn't he supposed to be our top defenseman?

Random Game Notes:
- There are no game notes from last night. After the first period, I was so drunk that I actually contemplated growing a Raycroft 'stache. Then I crushed a few beer cans on my forehead and passed out on my living room floor.

The Leafs are off until Tuesday, when they'll lose to the Canadiens.

Kill me now.

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