Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Leafs Fans: Keep Booing!

There has been a backlash of sorts against Leaf fans that attend games live. Several scribes, including Howard Berger and Damien Cox, have intimated that the Leafs should go easy on Bryan McCabe - current fans' whipping boy - because booing him is both offside and counterproductive.

What the fuck? Are these dicks really chastising the Leaf fans for being passionate? For demanding quality play in exchange for gigantic contracts? Aren't these the same Leafs fans that are oft-criticized for blindly following the team and filling the building despite decades of mediocrity? Now that they buck the trend and let the mediocre team hear about their mediocrity they're similarly condemned? Fuck. That. Seems like Leafs fans can't win (just like the team...HEYO!).

Any player - Bryan McCabe or otherwise - should get the piss taken out of them for consistent shitty play. Not simply one bad game, but several. And in fairness to the meatheads that visit the ACC, I certainly don't remember Leafs fans booing McCabe on opening night, nor Andrew Raycroft on opening night last season, nor Larry Murphy on opening night several years ago.

Maybe a certain coach should be putting certain players on the ice less if they are playing poorly. The view from the pressbox for a game can be quite beneficial. It's a wake up call both to the underachieving player and the team as a whole that consistent substandard play won't be tolerated on a team that isn't talented enough to compensate.

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