Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Well played, sir

Jeff Marek, host of AM 640's Leafs Lunch really fucking impressed me today. When Jeffy went to the phones to take calls from listeners, a particularly dull gentleman called in. The caller's inability to string together a few words in English - not because English was his second language, but because his brain has only even been used to mop floors - combined with his complete lack of hockey knowledge, made two things obvious quite fast:

[1] He was an average Leafs fan.
[2] He was probably from Keswick.

As I began to laugh at the man's obvious lack of intelligence, while feeling vastly superior at the same time, it happened...Jeff Marek totally fucking ripped into him. The first attack came unannounced: "Welcome to Darwin's waiting room." Then, before the dullard even realized he was being made a fool of, the fatal blow came: "Are you the third or fourth generation of your family to walk upright?" BURN!

What impresses me the most is that Marek is the Director of Sports Programming at AM 640 Toronto - he's the boss! Imagine if your boss talked to clients like that?! Bones it!

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