Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I have no idea how so many gay references made it into this post.

Yes, I have been away from posting for several days. I have been busy. That's actually a lie. I haven't been busy - but neither have the Leafs or anyone else in the NHL. There has been very little going on in Leafs Nation (what a fucking gay term) since the last post - its the fucking off-season, what do you expect?
The team actually did sign two players since the last time I got off my ass and posted, but they were so minor I didn't think they even warranted a post. The Leafs signed 29-year old Scott Clemmensen, who has only played in 25 NHL games since being drafted in 1997, as well as David Ling - 32 years old, 93 NHL games. Neither of the players will make the big club this year, unless of course Andrew Raysoft is traded and the Leafs are happy with a backup goaltender as shitty as Scott Clemmensen. Although I hope that's not the plan, Leaf fans should be accustomed to offensively shitty back-ups. With Vesa Toskala not having played a full season before, the smart money is on an established NHL back-up goaltender to back him up. Wait a minute, don't we have one of those? Conversely, Mr. Clemmensen has seen less action in the last few years than Scott Stapp. Translation = if Scott Clemmensen is our #2 goaltender this season, we are fucked.

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